Uf, koliko priprav, dopisovanj, detajlov in lepih trenutkov je obkrožalo tole poroko – sploh ne vem, kje začeti (ojoj, potem bo treba pa še v angleščini napisat ;)).
Yvonne in Gavin, parček z Irske, sta se pred časom tako zaljubila v Bled, da sta se odločila kar tukaj začeti svojo skupno pot, v naši ljubki mali Sloveniji, na našem še bolj ljubkem Blejskem otoku. Kako lepo! :)
Vesela sem, da sem ju imela možnost spoznati že maja, ko sem bila slučajno na Irskem. Vso organizacijo Dneva D si je zadala Yvonnina sestra Laura, ki je opravila odlično nalogo (in jo že prepričujem, naj se s tem ukvarja profesionalno! :)). Naj omenim tudi, da je iz tujine (med drugim z Irske, iz Anglije, Avstralije, New Yorka itd.) prišlo več kot 60 svatov! Kapo dol! Res sem vesela in hvaležna, da sem lahko (skupaj s prijateljico Bernardo) obeležila tak pomemben dan v njihovih življenih!
There were so many preparations, e-mail writings, details and just wonderful moments happening around this wedding I don`t really know where to start (and I even have to write bilingually, whew! :)).
Yvonne and Gavin, a lovely couple from Ireland, liked Bled so much they have decided to start their “journey” here, in our small and lovely Slovenia, on our small even lovelier island Bled. How cute is that!
I am so happy I got a chance to meet them in person in May while visiting Ireland. The whole organisation of the D-day was up to Yvonne`s sister Laura who did a great job (and I am already convincing her to start a wedding planning business! :)). Let me also acknowledge that there were more than 60 guests at this wedding coming from all over the world (Ireland, England, Australia, New York …) – kudos!
I am so happy and grateful that me and my friend Bernarda were able to witness and photograph such an important day of their lives!
Priprave so se začele v prelepi Vili Istra – krasno! / We started the preparations at the gorgeous Villa Istra …
Ah, kakšen lep vintage šopek! / ahhh, what a lovely vintage bouquet!
Prekrasna obleka! / Gorgeous dress!
Nevesta in družice so se teple z blazinami :) / Hihi, pillow fight :)
… in pile šampanjec … / Momma brought the girls breakfast in bed ;)
Lepa Yvonne / Beautiful Yvonne …
… s sestro / and her sister …
Nečakec Josh / Sweet nephew Josh
Bernarda je vmes skočila pofotkat ženina Gavina in njegove … / Gavin and his preparations
Gavin, ja ali ne?? / Gavin, wanna get married or what?? :P
Oče jo je pospremil do oltarja / walking up the aisle with her father …
Na kratko smo zmaknili čoln – za potrebe fotkanja, seveda :) / we stole a boat, whoops :) Bled Castle in the background …
Ljubka mala Evelyn / cute little flowergirl Evelyn
Na Blejskem gradu / on top of the Bled Castle…
Hahahahaha :D spodaj si lahko pogledate, kako smo se s fanti smejali tejle fotki :) / you can check at the bottom of page how me and guys laughed at this photo :)
Tadaaaa! Kremšnita razrezana! / the famous Bled cream cake – sliced – and with a sword!
Prelep zaključek z luno v ozadju gradu in prekrasni spomini na irsko-slovenski dan! Yvonne in Gavin – vse najlepše v življenju!
Beautiful ending with the moon behing the castle and great memories of an Irish-Slovenian day! Yvonne and Gavin – I wish you ALL the best!
Tole pa še malo fotk iz ozadja :) / some backstage photos …
Hahah, kaj sem vam rekla? :) / I told you we were laughing like crazy!
No, seveda pa se za zaključek spodobi še malo zaplesat in zažurat :D /and some unofficial dancing pics – two crazy photographers having fun!
Foto: Tanja Pečenko
Asistentka in 2. fotografinja / 2nd photographer: Bernarda Tajnšek